Currently on hiatus. Will resume in July, or sooner.

Current story updates:

Current story interludes/Side stories:
Every other Saturday

Other pieces:
Every other Saturday (Saturdays I don't run the Interludes/Side Stories)

During certain periods updates may come more often; at other times updates may come less often. This schedule is my hoped-for goal.

Monday, 4 November 2013

Bonus poem: Talingarde will burn

For those who have played in the Pathfinder Way of the Wicked adventure path this is a little poem that my Moriarty-esque character has composed. For those who don't know it, its a song about a crazy girl who is going to burn a prison to the ground.

For villainy and darkest deeds
Heinous crimes and foul tales
Wanton theft for our greed
Make them scream and make them wail

Talingarde will burn my friends
Burn a fiery death
Why the burning? I like fire
And you'd do well to avoid my ire

But its too late for Talingarde
Even with their steel so hard
Steel can break and bone can snap
When it is caught in a mantrap

That is what we make my friends
To bring about Talingarde's end
A trap made of cogs of men
We shall see it burning then

And then the country shall be ours
But you can keep the throne
I only want one thing from this;
Yes worldwide-criminal reknown

Thats why I'm here my friends, you see
I got captured on purpose, gleefully*
To prove to the world I can escape
From the prison's gruesome fate

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